upTether: Verified Contract Addresses
A list of all currently launched upTether and MGE contracts. Each has been verified on Etherscan and the code is open source.
The MGE for creating upTether will begin on Monday April 12th at 4:20 pm EST. All contracts were launched from the Rootkit Deployer address and have been verified on Etherscan. A complete copy of the production contracts and various tests can be found in the github repo here. (https://github.com/RootkitFinance/uptether-contracts).
upTether: 0x49D30E666E88c1a18F6cd9aDa5d138D0d3780858
eliteTether: 0x68D21265f815090B8Ab47B615753bB707D8C8636
Transfer Gate: 0x22BDB8865dfa4b0d40fdfcEDF6EE6c11EFaDf543
Calculator: 0x92694566f8B87e4598B384554F2e781122f0dBb7
Fee splitter: 0x65CC316DF4dB98bF1418bdF55B9523d13E28657E
Generation: 0x083dB3eE681cb6D3df6c3B110A7c12A3B4D1Ea00
Distribution: 0x14F84BcD519390C124ec5c4f2D37eF80E6D484c9
Tether / upTether Uniswap pool: 0x75651cDcceaC34204C27a74a9267F538F0a387E8
eliteTether / upTether Uniswap pool: 0x13574cA3ec622b7E9E8fD29B5D0C8Dd6a6694d9a