upTether MGE Recap
The creation process of our first upToken is complete with over 750k USDT collected by the MGE contract.
Total raised: 764,188.74 USDT
Results for each group
Group One:
- Collected: 213,052.18 USDT
- Used to buy: 63,915.65 USDT
- Received from Buy: 48,966.93 upUSDT
- 1 USDT contributed to round one would have gotten you 0.23 upTether
Group Two:
- Collected: 240,331.68 USDT
- Used to buy: 144,199.013337 USDT
- Received from Buy: 88,586.99 USDT
- 1 USDT contributed to round two would have gotten you 0.36 upTether
Group Three:
- Collected: 310,804.87 USDT
- Used to buy: 279,724.39 USDT
- Received from Buy: 117,081.43 USDT
- 1 USDT contributed to round three would have gotten you 0.37 upTether
Referral stats:
- Referral buy amount: 15.2k USDT
- Total received from buy: 12.8k upUSDT
Breakdown of this transaction that ended the sale.
- Supply minted and Elite Pool created.
- Sweep to extract value.
- 10% dev cut to deployer.
- 61k USDT used to buy 56.5k upUSDT for stabilization buy.
- Half of stabilization buy, 28.25k, sent to deployer for upFUND.
- 15k USDT used to buy 12k upUSDT for referral rewards.
- 64k USDT buys 49k upUSDT for group one.
- 144k USDT buy 88k upUSDT for group two.
- 279k USDT buys 117k upUSDT for group 3.
- MGE left overs 123.5k USDT sent to deployer for upFUND.
- 28.25k upUSDT remaining from stabilization buy sold.
- 79k USDT received from stabilization sell and sent to deployer for upFund.
- Standard pool created with 608k USDT and 228k upUSDT.
- LP tokens sent to deployer for upFUND to control.