upTether MGE Recap

2 min readApr 16, 2021


The creation process of our first upToken is complete with over 750k USDT collected by the MGE contract.

Total raised: 764,188.74 USDT

Results for each group

Group One:
- Collected: 213,052.18 USDT
- Used to buy: 63,915.65 USDT
- Received from Buy: 48,966.93 upUSDT
- 1 USDT contributed to round one would have gotten you 0.23 upTether

Group Two:
- Collected: 240,331.68 USDT
- Used to buy: 144,199.013337 USDT
- Received from Buy: 88,586.99 USDT
- 1 USDT contributed to round two would have gotten you 0.36 upTether

Group Three:
- Collected: 310,804.87 USDT
- Used to buy: 279,724.39 USDT
- Received from Buy: 117,081.43 USDT
- 1 USDT contributed to round three would have gotten you 0.37 upTether

Referral stats:

- Referral buy amount: 15.2k USDT
- Total received from buy: 12.8k upUSDT

Breakdown of this transaction that ended the sale.

  1. Supply minted and Elite Pool created.
  2. Sweep to extract value.
  3. 10% dev cut to deployer.
  4. 61k USDT used to buy 56.5k upUSDT for stabilization buy.
  5. Half of stabilization buy, 28.25k, sent to deployer for upFUND.
  6. 15k USDT used to buy 12k upUSDT for referral rewards.
  7. 64k USDT buys 49k upUSDT for group one.
  8. 144k USDT buy 88k upUSDT for group two.
  9. 279k USDT buys 117k upUSDT for group 3.
  10. MGE left overs 123.5k USDT sent to deployer for upFUND.
  11. 28.25k upUSDT remaining from stabilization buy sold.
  12. 79k USDT received from stabilization sell and sent to deployer for upFund.
  13. Standard pool created with 608k USDT and 228k upUSDT.
  14. LP tokens sent to deployer for upFUND to control.



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