upMatic MGE extension until Mercury leaves retrograde

Due to bridge problems coming from Binance and the low value amount collected so far, we will be extending the upMatic MGE for up to 7 days.

1 min readOct 13, 2021


October is off to a strong start for crypto but Polygon / Matic hasn't seen as much action as we were expecting. The 18th is getting hyped up for a lot of reasons, Mercury leaving retrograde is likely the most important. We cant launch a token under those conditions if we want it to succeed.

If the value raised reaches over a million MATIC we will reassess at that time we may end it earlier. If this happens we will try to give 12–24 hours notice for people to join who were waiting until the end to add their value.

If you are interested in joining the MGE and having trouble or unable to bridge through ETH due to the fees, ask for help in our telegram channel.



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